Sarah Jessica Parker

8 publicités


Covet (Slogan : "I had to have it" - The next scent)

Covet  recto verso avec bande parfumée (Slogan : "I had to have it" - The next scent)

Covet double page (Slogan : "I had to have it" - The next scent)

Covet Pure Bloom

Covet Pure Bloom (Slogan : "I had to have it" - the lush new scent)


Lovely (Slogan : Lovely on the inside + en bas au centre the first scent)

Lovely 1 (Slogan : Lovely on the inside - the first scent)


SJPNYC (Slogan : Fashion's in the air - the new scent by Sarah Jessica Parker)

SJPNYC 1 (petit format) (Slogan : Fashion's in the air - the new scent by Sarah Jessica Parker - Sex and the City 2)